Displaying core authors 1-20 of 171. Sorted by number of readers on Mendeley, decreasingly.
Name Readers Publications Followers Following
Mike Thelwall74231393618
Zhigang Hu(胡志刚)240039712
Nees Jan van Eck178356--
Ismael Rafols142532--
Kayvan Kousha13811794
Philipp Mayr13112052826
Georgios Paltoglou1249261311
Guido Van Hooydonk122416--
Isidro F. Aguillo11811093417
Andrea Scharnhorst1005844542
Chaomei Chen965203-
Ping Zhou92915--
J Sylvan Katz873291-
Xiaozhong Liu82511--
Erjia Yan7811433
Nader Ale Ebrahim778613970
Álvaro Cabezas-Clavijo703308360
Stefanie Haustein658307359
Johan Bollen6544593
Zaida Chinchilla-Rodríguez641631312
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NA : There is a profile for the author in this platform, but for some reason the indicator is not available.