Displaying documents 21-30 of 1057. Sorted by number of citations in Google Scholar, decreasingly.

Title of the document Authors Publication information Year GS Citations WoS Citations
Visualizing a discipline: An author co-citation analysis of information science, 1972-1995White, HD; McCain, KWJournal of the American Society for Information Science 49(4), 327-35519981100456
CiteSpace II: Detecting and visualizing emerging trends and transient patterns in scientific literatureChen, CMJournal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 57(3), 359-37720061083303
Citation analysis in research evaluationMoed, HFSpringer20051060524
Citation frequency and the value of patented inventionsHarhoff, D; Narin, F; Scherer, FM; Vopel, KReview of Economics and Statistics 81(3), 511-51519991023296
Maps of random walks on complex networks reveal community structureRosvall, M; Bergstrom, CTProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105(4), 1118-11232008992473
Scholarly communication and bibliometricsBorgman, CL. (ed.)Sage1990952447
Knowledge sourcing by foreign multinationals patent citation analysis in the US semiconductor industryAlmeida, PStrategic Management Journal 17(S2), 155-1651996948304
Science since babylonde Solla Price, DJYale University Press1961936320
Sources of information on specific subjectsBradford, SCEngineering: An Illustrated Weekly Journal 137(5550), 176-180.1934888361
Using social research in public policy making. Weiss, CH. (Ed.)Lexington1977872-
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